Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Analysis Of Wind s A Box And The Blue Suess

In Terrance Hayes’s book of poetry, Wind in a Box, one can see that the poems are written like a personal narrative using rhythmic phrasing to help one understand how their identity is formed. The blue poems in particular, are ones that use the word â€Å"blue† to contribute to the poems in different aspects. Using the word â€Å"blue†, Hayes shows blue as a color usually defined by sadness, blue as in the musical genre which usually sings about troubled times, and blue as in another word for feeling bad or depressed. It is obvious to see the significance the word â€Å"blue† plays throughout the Wind in a Box poetry collection. Hayes poems â€Å"The Blue Suess† and Booker’s Tomb† from the collection Upright Blues emphasize the themes of race, tradition, and freedom in the most interesting ways. Hayes explores how identity is shaped with race with his poems â€Å"Booker’s Tomb† and â€Å"The Blue Suess†. The poems à ¢â‚¬Å"Booker’s Tomb† and â€Å"The Blue Suess† both deal with issues of race, but in very different contexts. With â€Å"Booker’s Tomb† the mention of race is not really an issue more of a statement made, when Booker is named â€Å"Liberace,† (line 27), who was a known gay white piano player. In â€Å"Booker’s Tomb† race was more so used to describe Booker, the main character, to the audience as well as compare Liberace to Booker. The comparison made here is made to show that no one race is better than another; this is made evident by the fact Hayes does not use any negative tones towards either gay piano player. On

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